Hotel Schema

This work was preformed for Hooray Agency, published on .

Jake Labate
Jake Labate
SEO Growth Consultant


Hooray Agency

Hooray is a team of innovators, disruptors, storytellers and strategists united by the belief that groundbreaking ideas - uniquely presented and memorably expressed - have the power to inspire, connect, and compel to embrace and champion brands.

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Structured Data

SD is code that allows a webpage to be eligible for "rich results" in the search engine results pages. These are dynamic, visual, informative assets shown direct in search engines.

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Hooray manages a large book of clients in the hospitality space. Many of their client's websites are short on schema markup. Hooray needed to implement schema markup on a large range sites, and thus seemed like a very time-intensive project.


My colleague, Michael C. Davies and I constructed a JavaScript code framework that produces extensive, inter-linked, and client-custom schema markup codes.

Running a structure of company data through the framework produces ready-to-go code. This can be run and embedded manually, or run server or client side to utilize potentially changing client data.


This framework the produces schema markup that:

  • Generates unique @id's
  • Links those @id's together
  • Utilizes generic fallback values
  • Is recursively generative
  • Removes empty key-value pairs
  • Accounts for any input size

Through testing, we've accounted for and adjusted the framework for the error-causing imperfections. The result is always a Google-validated critical-error free schema JSON script.


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