Curator Audit

This work was preformed for Hooray Agency, published on .

Jake Labate
Jake Labate
SEO Growth Consultant


Hooray Agency

Hooray is a team of innovators, disruptors, storytellers and strategists united by the belief that groundbreaking ideas - uniquely presented and memorably expressed - have the power to inspire, connect, and compel to embrace and champion brands.

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A properly conducted SEO audit factors information from a variety of analytical, performance and content auditing sources, derives the relevant findings, and prioritizes action steps.

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Curator Hotels needed to conduct an in-depth SEO audit of their website. They contracted Hooray Agency (my client) to conduct the audit, and provide an implementation guide (step-by-step) for Curator's dev/CMS team to implement.


Unlike typical SEO audits (where agencies often export an automated spreadsheet report from Moz or SEMrush), I aggregated the findings from many industry tools, source code and website performance analytics.



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